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Cytokines 2024 KAI 2024

Important Update

  • Due to session allocation and publication schedules, accepted abstract presenters must complete their registration, including full payment of the registration fee.
  • Please be aware that if presenter fail to register by Sep 20, their abstract(s) will be withdrawn from the Symposium Program & Abstract Book.
  • Late-Breaking abstract presenters must be completed it by Oct 07, 2024.

Poster Presentation Date & Venue

  • Presenters are expected to present their posters during dedicated presentation session. Posters will be presented in three separate areas:
  • Please check "My Page" for your abstract presentation number.
Date Poster Area 1 Poster Area 2 Poster Area 3
Poster Session 1
Oct. 20 (Sun)
  • Cytokine gene expression and signaling (P1-CS001~ )
  • Mucosal immunity and microbiota (P1-MM001~ )
  • Antibody and B cell biology (P1-AB001~ )
  • Infection and vaccine immunity (P1-IV001~ )
  • Interferons and inflammation (P1-II001~ )
Poster Session 2
Oct. 21 (Mon)
  • Cytokine and anti-cytokine therapy (P2-CA001~ )
  • Cytokine structure and function (P2-CF001~ )
  • Allergic diseases and Type 2 Immunity (P2-AT001~ )
  • Mechanisms of tissue homeostasis and repair (P2-MT001~ )
  • Cancer immunology and immunotherapy (P2-CI001~ )
  • T cell immunity (P2-TC001~ )
Poster Session 3
Oct. 22 (Tue)
  • Immunometabolism (P3-IB001~ )
  • Innate immunity and myeloid cells (P3-IM001~ )
  • Autoimmunity and rheumatic diseases (P3-AR001~ )
  • Immune deficiency and transplantation immunology (P3-IT001~ )
  • Systems approaches in precision medicine (P3-SP001~ )
  • 2Fl.
  • 3Fl.

Setup & Removal Schedule

  • Please note that each poster will be exhibited for ONE day only during October 20-22, 2024. Kindly set up and remove your poster according to the schedule below.
Date Set-up Viewing Presentation Dismantling
Poster Session 1
Oct. 20 (Sun)
12:00-13:00 13:00-17:40 17:40-19:10 19:10-20:00
Poster Session 2
Oct. 21 (Mon)
07:30-08:30 08:30-18:00 13:00-14:30 18:00-19:00
Poster Session 3
Oct. 22 (Tue)
07:30-08:30 08:30-18:00 13:00-14:30 18:00-19:00
  • Put up your poster as early as possible so that attendees arriving early in the poster area will be able to see it. Presenters are responsible for posting and removing their own materials.
  • At least one author of the poster is required to be present during the poster session times to answer questions.
  • The Organizing Committee is not responsible for any posters that are not removed at the designated time. Posters left in the area after the dismantling time may be discarded and will NOT be returned.


The poster may include printed materials, tables, graphs, photographs, or illustrations.
All materials should be of sufficient size so they can be easily read at a reasonable distance of 1 to 1.5 meters by the participants.

  • Each poster presenter will be assigned one 900mm (Width) x 1,200mm (Height) white laminate panel.
    The use of glue or staples is not allowed. 3M double sided tape and adhesive tape will be provided for you to attach your materials to the poster board.
  • The total size of the assigned poster panel is 950mm (Width) x 2,500 mm (Height) with white laminate board.
For further inquiries, please contact the Cytokines 2024 & KAI 2024 Secretariat at

Oral Presentation Time

  • To ensure the smooth progression of the symposium, please adhere to the following presentation time limits:
    • Symposium Short Talk: 10 minutes presentation + 2 minutes Q&A
    • Lightning Talk: 6 minutes presentation + 2 minutes Q&A
  • To minimize interference with other presentations, overruns will not be allowed. Session chairs have been instructed to strictly adhere to the allotted time.

Presentation Files

  • File Format: MS-PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx type).
  • Presenters will not be able to use personal laptops. As there will be no support for Mac devices, it is highly recommended that avoid using Keynote or other Mac OS-based software.
  • Aspect Ratio: Please use a 16:9 aspect ratio for your PowerPoint Slides. Download Template
  • If your presentation file contains animations or video clips, please inform the technical staff in the Preview Room.
  • Ensure that you are using standard system fonts. Novelty or other downloaded fonts will not be supported.
  • All presenters are requested to submit their presentation slides via email to by October 15, 2024 (23:59 KST) to avoid any last-minute issues.
For further inquiries, please contact the Cytokines 2024 & KAI 2024 Secretariat at

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